Have you ever wondered why general contracting quotes in the Hamptons and elsewhere are estimates? It's not like the prices of concrete or wood are going to change that much between now and next Tuesday, right? Well, to be frank, the situation is a point of contention that often leads to friction between home builders, general contractors, renovators, architects, interior designers and you, the client, far too often.
At Hamptons Renovations Maintenance and Repairs, we've seen it ruin relationships with our competitors and that's why we make it a point to be very upfront about how the Project Management Triangle works with our Hamptons construction teams and our clients. This goes for new home builds, repairs, maintenance or any job we perform. (more below)
Also called the Triple Constraint or Iron Triangle, the Project Management Triangle is the actual concept behind a popular saying you've probably heard:
Despite its blunt wording, the saying does drive home a very important reality about general contracting service not only in the Hamptons, but all over the world: the amount of time a project takes, the overall quality of that project and the cost of the project are all interrelated. These three factors are seen as constraints that work together to influence the final outcome of a new home build in Montauk, a kitchen remodeling in Sag Harbor or whatever the project might be.
Essentially, if you try to adjust one side of the Project Management Triangle, you wind up affecting the other two sides of the triangle. The nature of any service is complex and when mishandled, can quickly spiral out of control. This is a major point of contention and one of the reasons that estimates vary, goals change and people get upset—that is, when you hire the wrong general contractor that's what happens.
Even though the three constraints of time, quality and cost are in competition with each other, the right project manager knows how to increase the quality of the project without drastically increasing the cost or time required. They will know that project management is a discipline and understand how to provide the tools the entire team needs to finish the project at the quality desired, for the price quoted in the time frame agreed upon.
This discipline is about skill and experience, two things that should never be overlooked when hiring a general contractor in the Hamptons. With the high costs of property and the even higher expectations you have for your new home build or remodeling project, choosing the wrong project manager that doesn't understand the Project Management Triangle can and will result in disaster.
So, how do you know if your general contractor understands what project management really means? Simple—have they taken the time to explain it to you or is it something they'd rather not talk about? Do you really want someone building or working in your home—the place where you and your children live—if they aren't completely up front, honest and transparent? We don't.
To keep your new home build in the Hamptons at the quality you desire, to keep your Sag Harbor home renovation well within budget, to keep your Montauk home repairs completed on schedule, choose the best general contractor in the Hamptons—Hamptons RMR.
Keywords: contractor, cost, discipline, estimates, experience, explanation, factors, general, guide, hamptons, harbor, informative, management, montauk, need-to-know, project, quality, quotes, remodeling, renovations, repairs, sag, service, skill, time, triangle